Mr. Feng Hongcan is a TCM
practitioner. Born in Dan Dong of Liao Ning Province, he grew up in a
family known for Chinese Traditional Medicine and Martial arts. He
studied directly under Mr. Wang Xiangzhai as a close disciple and later
with the well-known "Dachengquan fighting
expert" Mr. Wang Xuanjie. He is particularly interested in
the martial aspect of each discipline he mastered and has taught more
than one thousand students from China and abroad. Besides
Dachengquan, Feng teaches also Xingyiquan, Taijiquan,
Baguazhang, Mi Zhong Boxing, Chinese wrestling, etc… Feng is regularly
invited to give martial arts seminars in colleges and universities. He
was appointed Vice-Chairman of the Wushu Association of Henan Province,
Honorary President of Nanyang Normal University Taijiquan Association,
Director of the Department of Henan Institute of Buddhism &
martial arts… Feng Hongcan is now living in Henan province,
Nanyang city where he still teaches.
(*) Notice: Average quality: avi format for fast download - HD quality mp4 format (same quality of full length video).
What Others Say about "Dachengquan by Feng
Hongcan" Complete Collection 4 DVDs
synthesis of Chinese internal martial arts centered in Yiquan"
by Yvan P. - Moscow (Russia)
do not underestimate the contents of Feng Honcan DVDs on Dachengquan
***, if his movements by themselves may not be as impressive
as some of other experts may offer but Feng gives us some
real key details which will definitively modify one’s own
appreciation of Dachengquan. Moreover it will be often in comparison
with other internal martial arts such as Xingyiquan and Baguazhang.
He will teach stance with explanations referring to Xingyiquan and how
Wang Xiangzhai modified them into its modern form. He goes
beyond simply showing the stance but explains the essential ideas which
help later the practitioners in pushing hands and free fighting:
For Example: the Dragon shape stance as an advanced practiced rarely
presented by other experts but giving us the higher level application
of Dachengquan stances: here you’ll appreciate how different
it is from the generally presented all-around stance..
"Feng Hong C. and his
Dachengquan" by Sur R.B. - Bruxels
Among my special preference
in the contents of his DVDS:the foot step. Feng gives us also another
invaluable detail explanation in “mocabu “ or mud stepping
making his footwork explanation unique: the special body work requested
when both feet are regrouping within all the stepping process.,
These 4 DVDs are not specially for the beginner level in
Yiquan/Dachengquan but rather for the intermediate level and
over, otherwise many may not be able to appreciate and capture
efficiently the important details provided by Feng all along the
videos. As "Yvan" said: do not take lightly his contents frequently
referencing to Xinqyiquan and Baguazhang which are further guarantees
of well thought details to help practitioners of all levels to deepen
their Yiquan knowledge and practice.
of the each set included in "Dachengquan" Complete
Collection 4 DVDs by Feng Hongcan.....
DVD 1: Keeping Fist Stance & Attacking Stance |

watch extract |
This DVD shows the different stances of Yi
Quan but also explains the fine point of the life preservationstance and the attacking stance.
Feng gives a lot of important details concerning fighting aspects andhealth applications. A certain focus is on the HunYuan stance (Universal
Post). Then he unfolds progressively major stances posts such as
Bear, Dragon, Independent, Holding, Walking, Swing, Tiger, Horse...
Feng Hongcan
1 (one) x DVDs converted into 1 (one) avi video file without quality
40 mins |
DVD 2: Try Force & Cao Force |

watch extract |
This second in the series concentrates on the DaCheng approach to the issuing force. He shows the most common but also more detailed and advanced methods of trying force (Testing
Force). He explains the principles of the various forces by recalling their earlier existence from
Xing Yi Quan. He also shows applications of this issuing force with various fists:
Cao Fist, Cannon Fist, Crosscut Fist, Chop Fist... and he always provides detailed instructions.
Artist: Feng
1 (one) x DVDs converted into 1 (one) avi video file without quality
43 mins |
DVD 3 & 4: Standing stance & life preservation (1)
& (2) |

watch extract |
These TWO DVDS starts with an explanation of Da
Cheng Quan Push Hands and its dynamic approach.
DVD3: Feng introduces very progressively
his Dual-Partner training methods. They start with almost static push hands than
progressively include steps and various other variations/progression.
Single hand pushing is also very useful to strengthen stance and develop waist skills.
Next we have the free steps known by many people as
Vivacious Dance or Health
Dance (Jian Wu).
This gives the large movements normally supplied by forms yet not drifting far from Da
Cheng’s central theme of spontaneity.
Feng explains very carefully the insights of actual combat with the Da Cheng system.
He gives a lot of advice. Life preserving and stance training is following (similar to information in #1).
it emphasizes life preserving stances and curing techniques where
additional exercises are explained in order to complete the
effectiveness of Dachengquan exercises for health recovery and
Artist: Feng
(two) x DVDs converted into 2 (two) avi video file without quality
mins + 39 mns |
Dachengquan by Feng Hongcan:
Complete Collection 4 DVDs in video file format
Total duration: +165
English subtitles, video files Avi format (we recommend VLC video
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