Kicking techniques in Dachengquan is usually considered as
a minor technique. As a Chinese boxing adage goes ”°rise your leg, half
side (of your body) is empty”±, it is clear that Dachengquan practitioner
use less leg and foot than hand. However this doesn't mean that Dachengquan
excludes the use leg and foot even for attack. In sparring,if Dachengquan
is seldom using leg and foot, but in lower limbs the training should
be also perfect so when you use it is as powerful as any other combat
Dachengquan's kicking technique should respect the following
principle: when you raise your leg it should not be too high, commonly
it is expressed as ”°foot should not exceed navel”±.
Dachengquan's kicking can be divided in two main categories: The first
one is ”°common boxing and hidden leg”±, and the other one is ”°using simultaneaously
hand and foot”±.
Common boxing & hidden leg - This is related to the combat tactic
where you are using a firm boxing technique with body, hand and step
all combined in your attack. Then unexpectedly kick your opponent where
he is totally unprepared...
Using simultaneaously hand and foot - Here your combat tactic is the
full coordination of kicking technique with both hands, transforming
fist attacking technique, upper & lower levels moving all together
as a result the whole body is fully balanced in your attack.
In Dachengquan, besides the general core training, each technique has
its own specific training method and kicking techniques are also respecting
this rule.
Kicking techniques can be trained according to the following methods:
Ziwu post, "Golden Rooster stands on one leg" post, Squat
and rise testing force etc...
Now let's introduce these techniques in details.
1. Ziwu post
Standing evenly on both feet, whole body relaxed, breathing naturally,
calming your mind and Qi steady. Left foot stands steadily, the knee
slightly bent; right foot rises and extends horizontally to left side
with toes pointing up, your left leg is almost straight, toes also hooking
backward, the heel kicking forward; two hands encircling on front of
chest, left hand at eyebrow level, right hand slightly lower than left
hand; upper body presenting its side, left shoulder in the front, right
shoulder in the back. When right foot extends forward there is enough
strain as to stay horizontal even if there is any object placed obaove
it. We just described left posture, right posture is similar, you have
just to interchange direction(Fig. 1-2, figure 1 is side view, figure
2 is front view).
2. Golden rooster stands on one leg post
Here is another kicking method almost similar to Ziwu post, the difference
is just that forward extension shouyld not as straight as in Ziwu post
here the knee is bent and keeps an angle of 90 degrees (Fig. 3-4. figure
3 is side view, figure 4 is front view).
3. Squat and rise testing force
Standing evenly on both feet, whole body relaxed, breathe naturally,
mental calm and Qi steady. Left foot is making one step to the left,
two palms extending to both sides, the center of palm facing down. The
body is slowly squatting down, in the same time two hands are slowly
raising up, until your body has reached its lowest squatting postition
and two hands being higher than head level. And after raise slowly body,
two hands in the same time are dropping slowly down to restart this
testing force.
From now on you can repeat this exercice (Fig. 5-7).